5 quick website improvements

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To Improve your searchability

Overhauling your entire website may not always be necessary for improving your online presence. Here are a few quick solutions to help improve your existing website without a complete re-design of your website. These simple changes can help improve your website speed, increase conversion rates and in turn improve your online credibility with the search engines.


Optimised images

Images are important for any website and improve your visitors online experience but having too many, unnecessary images may slow down the page loading speed of your website, especially if they are very large. If the images are important and relevent, make sure that they are compressed and optimized for web. All images should be created to the size required to display clearly within to website otherwise your visitings may be leaving your site due to slow page speed and the search engines may penalise your search ranking. It is also important to use a keyword in the Alt descripotion of your images.


Keywords in headings

Images are important for any website and improve your visitors online experience but having too many, unnecessary images may slow down the page loading speed of your website, especially if they are very large. If the images are important and relevent, make sure that they are compressed and optimized for web. All images should be created to the size required to display clearly within to website otherwise your visitings may be leaving your site due to slow page speed and the search engines may penalise your search ranking.


Call to action

Images are important for any website and improve your visitors online experience but having too many, unnecessary images may slow down the page loading speed of your website, especially if they are very large. If the images are important and relevent, make sure that they are compressed and optimized for web. All images should be created to the size required to display clearly within to website otherwise your visitings may be leaving your site due to slow page speed and the search engines may penalise your search ranking.


Page snippet descriptions

Images are important for any website and improve your visitors online experience but having too many, unnecessary images may slow down the page loading speed of your website, especially if they are very large. If the images are important and relevent, make sure that they are compressed and optimized for web. All images should be created to the size required to display clearly within to website otherwise your visitings may be leaving your site due to slow page speed and the search engines may penalise your search ranking.


Clear text

Images are important for any website and improve your visitors online experience but having too many, unnecessary images may slow down the page loading speed of your website, especially if they are very large. If the images are important and relevent, make sure that they are compressed and optimized for web. All images should be created to the size required to display clearly within to website otherwise your visitings may be leaving your site due to slow page speed and the search engines may penalise your search ranking.